Therapeutic Martial arts

"Fall down seven times, get up eight."

Japanese Maxim

Israel. There is no better example on Earth of the resolve to rise no matter what befalls you than the tiny State of Israel.

In the Traditional Martial Arts, we learn to use the power of our minds and bodies to overcome the fear, anger and pain of battle.

Our unique Therapeutic Martial Arts program employs these techniques to instill confidence, courage, determination and a sense of purpose in kids and families in the fight of their lives, the fight to survive and thrive despite cancer and other chronic and serious illnesses.

Our program is available to people of all ages,

Informed and inspired by those children, who learn, use and teach others Power Peace Purpose. Our program is available to people of all ages coping with a range of physical and emotional pain, anger, anxiety, loss, isolation and fear.

Potent evidence-based tools like purposeful, powerful movement, breathing and imagery techniques are taught by specially-certified martial artists enabling these “warriors” to meet their physical and emotional challenges, overcome their pain, fear and despair and become teachers and role-models for others.

If you or someone you love is struggling under physical or emotional stress and is ready to learn how to rise above, join us.

To extend a helping hand to these kids learning to “teach the world” by example what real courage is, here’s how you can help
